Our Research Projects

At Islamic Ancestry we firmly believe in producing historically accurate and evidence-based docu-drama series' whilst allowing film directors to have a degree of freedom when producing a creative piece. All of our productions go through strict editorial checks to ensure that our content meets our internal criteria for integrity and accuracy.

In addition to conducting historical research to produce our content we also like to conduct other types of research which are relevant to the docu-drama series' that we produce and the respective Muslim ethnic groups that they represent and appeal to. We believe that it is important for our supporters to see the data which explains the potential impact that our productions may have on the world and therefore we aim to publish all our research on this website.

"In their stories there is truly a lesson for people of reason. This message cannot be a fabrication, rather ˹it is˺ a confirmation of previous revelation, a detailed explanation of all things, a guide, and a mercy for people of faith."

— Yusuf:111

Current & Future Research Projects

  • What are names and origins of the supposed 360 companions of Shah Jalal?

    A biographical study of the companions of Shah Jalal. This research paper will require the assigned researcher to travel to Sylhet in Bangladesh in order to begin unravelling the names and origins of the supposed 360 companions of Shah Jalal who according to folklore assisted him in liberating Sylhet in the 8th century AH.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • What specific challenges do Bengali Muslims around the world face today?

    The researcher will be required to know and understand the Bengali Muslim demographic and be tasked with collecting first-hand data on the challenges that Bengali Muslims face across the globe. The researcher will also be tasked with presenting ideas and potential solutions to the challenges of this community.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • What potential impact could a popular docu-drama series on Shah Jalal have on the society, politics and economy of Bangladesh?

    Shah Jalal is a respected figure all across Bangladesh irrelevant of status and religion. What kind of impact could a docu-drama series about this historic Muslim personality have on Bangladeshi society, politics and the economy? The assigned researcher will be tasked with collecting first-hand data and writing a detailed report of their findings.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • What potential impact could a popular docu-drama series on Shah Jalal have on the society, politics and economy of the UK?

    The UK is home to a large Bengali Muslim demographic many of which have named their mosques and community centres after Shah Jalal. What kind of impact could a docu-drama series about this historic Muslim personality have on UK society, politics and the economy as a whole? The assigned researcher will be tasked with collecting first-hand data and writing a detailed report of their findings.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • Do English reverts admire and feel connected to Abdullah Quilliam?

    Many new reverts of English heritage accepted Islam due to the da'wah of their peers, neighbours and colleagues. Many accepted Islam after doing their own studying and research. However a great English Muslim personality did exist in England in the late 19th century who also held the title of 'Shaykh al-Islam of the British Isles' given to him by the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Do English reverts feel any connection with this historic English Muslim and why? The assigned researcher will be required to interview English reverts to collect first-hand data. They will then be tasked with summarising their findings in a report.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • Could a connection to Abdullah Quilliam help English reverts to form an English Islamic identity?

    The UK is one of the most diverse countries in the world. It is a melting-pot of vibrant cultures and traditions many of which are Muslim. An English revert may often find themselves wearing traditional Arab attire to express their Islamic identity whilst their brethren of a different culture may choose to wear traditional South Asian or African attire to also express their Islamic identity. An English revert may often be served a biryani or kuskus at their local mosque during an Eid celebration which are dishes foreign to the UK. What is the identity of the English Muslim? And could a connection to Abdullah Quilliam, a traditional Muslim Englishman of the 19th century, be a means to form a natural English Muslim identity? The researcher will be required to assess the current state of the English revert Muslim identity. They will be required to interact with English reverts in order to answer the main question of this assignment.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • Who were the followers of Abdullah Quilliam and are their descendants practicing Muslims?

    In order to produce a historically accurate docu-drama series on this historic Muslim personality it would be benefical to create characters that represent the people that actually followed Abdullah Quilliam. In addition whilst this research is being conducted it may be possible to also interview the family members of those followers. The researcher will be required to locate the descendants of the followers of Abdullah Quilliam in order to collect first-hand data and produce an article with their findings.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned

  • What specific challenges do English Muslims around the world face today?

    The vast majority of English Muslims are reverts and do not have family members who are also Muslim. This poses unique challenges on this demographic of Muslims. The researcher will be tasked with investigating the unique challenges that English Muslims in the UK and abroad face.

    Assigned to: TBC | Status: Not Assigned